Your name
Plug in your first and last name so we know who's voted and who hasn't. No one will see your votes except for the vote tallier. It will be discarded after the tally.
First Name
Last Name
N00b of the Year
So much n00b. So much love.
Al Sweet
Andrea "Dre" Coletti
Kirk Forever
Nelson Reyes
Quinn Malloy
Abbie Weeks
Sean Hallohan
"that British dude" (well done, slabs. well done.)
Best Slab Nickname
Every time you say it, a hundo ride is born.
Rabbi (Ben Spencer)
Dr. Schwalen (Luke Whalen)
Fuckable Crowley (Crowley)
Not-Fuckable-Crowley (Danny McLaughlin
Sexy Jesus (Jay Miranda)
Sandy Andy (Andy Abu-Rjaily)
Slash (Luke Whalen)
Spaz (Any Abu-Rjaily)
Fireman (still) (Brendan Crowley)
Great Muppet Caper (that one Rickshaw n00b who wore that blue furry vest all the time)
Mr. or Ms. Congeniality Award
The pedicabber who keeps calm in a crisis, always has a positive outlook, is cheerful and positive, and generally unflappable in the face of adversity.
Jay Miranda
Jenn brundage
Joel Schenck
Matt Bancroft
Nick Bancroft
Rich Bonasarro
Quinn Mallow
Christian Matyi (XN)
Patrick Deavan
Bobby Blasche
"the lady who sleeps at Gate C while selling hats"
The Charlie Brown Award
The one tragic slab who always had the shit dealt on him/her, could never cut a break, or had the consecutively worst luck.
Ben Spencer: The constant complaining isn't just because he's a curmudgeon. Life really DOES suck.
Jonathan Lopatin: Just give it a minute; he'll topple into something eventually.
Tristan Djafaar: Being perpetually sweet and friendly does not work as a shit shield, unfortunately.
Mike Van Buren: Does anyone have a spare tube and also a spare entire tricycle for him?
Spiceyist Meme
What was the best meme among us pedicabbers this year? Can be online or real. Slab slang is also allowable.
"Thinking 'bout dat gate like..."
Twenny buck
Kirk, just in general...
"Just a reminder not to trust..."
Bull On A Trike Prize
The driver who causes the worst, most frequent or most-repercussive damage without even trying that hard to do so.
Al Sweet
Andy Abu-Rjaily
Luke Whalen
Tristan Djafaar
Red Friend Award
ONLY VOTE FOR THIS ONE IF YOU DON'T RIDE FOR BOSTON RICKSHAW! This is for our favorite Boston Rickshaw driver of 2017.
Benji McGuire
Sarah Lyman
Joe O'Connor
Sochi Tang
Kris Hanson (he still counts, right?)
John Dendy
Matt Stewart
Indie Darling
Who is your favorite free-agent slab? Can be an indie company owner or a rider who currently drives for an Indie company, even if they also still ride Red or Green.
Leandra Solis
Joel Schenck
John Dendy
Max Jackson
Phil Gilliam-Cuffee
Mikey Kaster
Ryan Eavey
Harrison Swyter
The Phone Is Now Broken Award
The best, funniest or most epic WPYO post or thread, or email.
Kirk's epic dumpster fire "Just a reminder" post and the loan that lead to the epic fallout (")
Anything else.
Normcore Hero Award
The most "normal," non-weird, conservative or mainstream driver.
Greg Rees
Matt Bancroft
Mary Mortensen
Keith Cardoza
Brendan Crowley
Bobby Blasche
Jesse Vaughn
Greg Gianni
Keith Patrick
Rich Bonasarro
"either of those two blonde chicks who rode like 5 times each at the very end of the season" (nice.)
"that dude with the British accent who doesn't talk much." (well done.)
The Unwashed Mass Prize
Most consistently unkempt, dirtiest, scruffiest, unwashed or disheveled slab.
Owen Pfeiffer; that's not dank weed causing that stench
Joel Schenck; who says you need to ever change the shoes you don't wear socks with?
Nick Bancroft; when something smells like warm cold cuts but no one is eating a sandwich
Eric Ramsdell; it's like an armpit on a tricycle
Christian Matyi; "a punched lasagna at the bottom of a dumpster in mid-July"
Matt Bancroft; that's not a suntan. That's just grime.
Tristan Djafaar; toenails, except really close up to your face
Primo PediParty Prize
This year's most epic or memorable party, post-shift hang-out, bike trip, or slab gathering; be it pre-planned or spontaneous.
Babe Night 2018
MS Ride weekend
Moonlight Walden Pond ride
Provincetown Bonfire Night
The Bancroft World Series Party
The Hitting' Mud Salute
The most epic fail of the year: can be a pedicab-related thing, event or person. Worst breakdown, most dramatic trike accident, or ridiculous cab-failure.
Chance's Epic 12-hour New Year's Eve escort and freezing rain bone: lotsa fun, but the definition of yikes
Patrick vs. Dendy beef: the stolen group ride
Dale Bales eloquent takedown: Dale puts a plug in the Dendy vs Patrick dumpsterfire in a tidy yet effective comment
Taylor getting hr pedicab flipped over – YES LITERALLY FLIPPED OVER – by an irrational car driver
Kirk's "Just a friendly reminder post" (as separate from the incident that precipitated it)
Whatever weird loan situation went down between Tristan and Kirk that lead to Kirk's "Friendly Reminder' post
All the poor slabs who had their licenses taken away by irrational Hackney dicks
The ObamaCare Prize
That pedicab driver who kept getting hurt on the job, via the job or because of the job. Or who you're just surprised hasn't died from all this crap.
Owen "Spare Parts" Pfeiffer
Dylan "Visit My Grave, OK?" Zobel
Jonathan "Sweat and Insulin" Lopatin
Mikey "Universal Healthcare" Kaster
Nick "Permanent Emotional Damage" Bancroft
Ben "is that blood? It looks like blood." Spencer
Mr. Bike-Shorts Award
The most attractive, handsomest, dead-sexiest male-identifying on the streets this year.
Soshi Tang: gamble your love away
Chance Wells: it's like there's three of him in the bedroom
Tristan Djaafar: lovemaking pairs well with hot dogs
Nelson Reyes: our charm-alarm's ringing off the hook
Zach Heyman: don't look directly into the baby-blues or you may never come home again
Kevin Merriam: all our sexiest fantasies wrapped up in a Bruin's shirt
Nick Viau: your first crush is always the truest of loves
Owen Pfeiffer: who doesn't crave four straight hours of comic book pillowtalk afterplay?
Jesse Vaughn: world peace is achieved every time he lifts his shirt and reveals the aesthetic
Kris Hanson: because dogs and beards are sexy and classic
Luke Whalen: an eroticism you never see coming, but boy do you want it to stay!
Jay Miranda: just admit it: you could curl up and live within his flowing locks and just be perfectly happy for the rest of your days
Patrick Deavan: (wisdom + accent) x smolder = sploosh
Rickshaw Luke (Integrity-tattoo lax-bro): when he goes shirtless, we secretly feel a special integrity deep inside
Matt Stewart: where quiet intelligence meets shredded abs
Miss Dollar-Filled-Bra Prize
The most attractive, sexiest, or wow-inducing female-identifying pedicabber we got.
Jenn Brundage: a woman is always hotter when she's NOT your real mom any more
Rae Rimm: disarms you with humor, and you gladly lay down every weapon at her feet
Julia Luft: you can always find her cab by following the trail of longing glances
Sarah Lyman: could seduce the third wheel off a trike
Amber Dwyer: Our heart throbs for our take-no-shit townie grandma
BIDDYSINZ: Liz Post, Stacey Sullivan, Jordan Park, Jenn Brundage (and somehow also XN)
All of 'em! (because we do this every year)
Bizarro Honorarium
The slab who most often and most consistently says the most bizarro, weird, indecipherable or nuts shit. Like, just all the time.
Al Sweet
Amanda Whitaker
Chance Wells
John Dendy
Owen Pfeiffer
Rich "Suds" Bonasarro
Sochi Tang
"White Pants/Bowtie kid"
Ultimate Alliance
The combo of slabs that were a crush machine, a dream team, or a cool combo; the most lucrative, most enviable, or coolest alliance on the streets this year.
Spoon's Delight (Max Jackson & Jenn Brundage)
Sibling Wedding (Nate & Mary Mortensen)
Bancroft Bros (Nick & Matt Bancroft, and sometimes Ben)
Anchovies Special (Chance Wells & Christian Matyi)
K-Tour Destroyers (Jay Miranda & Christian Matyi)
Otter & Dad (Dylan Ramsay & XN)
UltraCrush Ride Award
The ride that was unbelievably epic, ridiculously lucrative or outrageously amazing. (Can be a series of rides, if within one shift.)
AllBright Art Crawl: $420 to do nothing, scratch lottery tix, and hang with Kevin Merriam. YES PLEASE.
Every Dendy ride. (Just ask him.)
Every Ramsdell ride. (Just ask him.)
Jay Miranda's nearly $1.5K day, with extended baller tours on either side of working a high paying event
MVB and Lean Slayer Wedding/Photo shoot Ride; MVB in a tie-dye Slayer shirt blasting Slayer while riding down (
The BikeParty wedding from Copley full of wealthy bastards
XN & Jay Miranda's $2,400 family city tour on the 4th of July
Go Home And try Again Award
Weirdest pedicabbing outfit or garb. Nominate the weirdest, silliest, stupidest, saddest or most hilarious thing anyone wore during a shift.
Mike Coughlin; every time he rides
Tristan and his croptops/hotdogsuits/jorts/entire closet
Erick Sundell: spaceman!
Hamilton – not as swag as he imagines
Three-Wheeled Angel Award
The slab who boosts morale, makes you smile, and generally helps you and others stay positive on shifts.
Brendan Bowser
Chance Wells
Christian Matyi, aka XN
Dale Bales
Jenn brundage
Jonathan Harlowe
Luke Whalen
Nick Bancroft
First-Up and Smoking Prize
Who (or what) just KILLED rides or posts this year?
Like, whose presence made it next to impossible to earn money out there, just by their uncanny ability to ruin ride moods, kill sales, or cause posts to drag?
(Formally known as the "Don't Crimp My Ride" award)
Everything Gate B
Eric Ramsdell
Sochi Tang
Luke Whalen
John Dendy
The shitty boyband from Berklee outside the Pru entrance
Boston Rickshaw
Mike Van Buren
Boston Police Hackney Division Officers Estrella & Ryle (aka Mr. "You-Guys-Should-Form-A-Union" & Mr. "This-Is-Mine-Now")
Dick-On-Wheels Prize
The law-breaking, morale-deteriorating, selfishly-motivated, or ride-snaking outlaw on the streets this year.
Joe O'Connor
Christian Matyi, aka XN
Kirk Abolafia
Jon Dendy
Eric Ramsdell
Justin Ball
"that dude with the white pedicab that always wears that stupid ear-covering winter hat"
Boston's Disgrace Award
The shittiest pedicabbing conditions we had this year. Crap like the worst construction obstacle, horrible cop situation, insane weather bone-zone, or other obnoxious atrocity that made riding suck.
The City Of Boston; for being unable to manage the growing opioid epidemic and making getting a pedicab from/to Newmarket both terrifying and depressing
Fenway Opening day when it was LITERALLY NO DEGREES OUTSIDE
The Barriers at Fenway
Boston Marathon 2018: aka, "The Battle For The Canopy" or "People LOST Money"
Rickshaw's continually declining driving habits
Boston Pedicab's drivers who judge a book by the cover
Fenway's new head of security, whoever that dickhead is
Hackney Cops over-aggression and irrationality during Fenway games
Hackney in general this year
Any and all divisiveness among drivers; people's unwillingness to maintain peace and find resolve and just show top to work and make money.
Most Epic (Single) Shift
One shift. Everyone happy. Everyone rich. Everything worked out right. Pick it.
Drake at the Garden
World Series Game 2
Zac Brown Band at Fenway
Best Slab Band or Musician
The Incomparable Liam Neesons (Chance Wells)
Teenender (Kevin Merriam)
Graphic Melee (Phil Gilliam-Cufee)
Future Teens (Amy Hoffman)
Salem Wolves (Harrison Swyter)
Unlikely Swan Award
The n00b who you thought would never make it, but who nonetheless evolved into a damn fine rider in spite of adversity.
Al Sweet
Andrea Coletti
Eddy Scarsella
Jonathan Harlowe
Greg Russo
Abbie Weeks
Stacey Sullivan (what the...?)
The Batman Prize
We all have a “real life.” Nominate the rider who's "other, non-pedicab life" is the most unexpected, unlikely or downright way cooler than their trike persona.
Quinn Mallow: "working for the enemy" at BTD
Christibna Flipowich: facing the homeless and healthcare problems no one else can
Christian Matyi, aka XN: computers? design? podcasts? muscles? WHOA!
Luke Whalen: Dad of the Year
Brandon Bowser: he's teaching those who will define your future
"Tibbs'd It" Honorable Mention
BEST DRUNK STORY. (Includes other altered states.) Vote the funniest or most epic tale of the one slab who had too much to drink, smoke, or boost, and what hijinks ensued.
Chance Wells curling up and moving in at the Bancrofts after passing out during the post-World-Series-Party
Eddie Scarsella dream-teaming a whole bottle of tequila with nap-man Chance Wells on the Bancroft's couch
Joel Schenck, scaling the construction crane outside the BP shop. Because why wouldn't he after drinking too much?
Night 1 of the MS Ride: Coughlin wandering around the beach at night in shades, sun hat, running bib, and short shorts. Couldn't find his way off the beach to the tents.
The Sacagawea Prize
THE SAC. That one miserable, underpaid, grueling ride that just should not have been taken.
XN for two consecutive Venmo burns on the first night of the Sox World Series Playoffs
Brendan Bowser's $25 ride where he received $10 in quarters
Patrick Deavan "and he should know it" (That's just what they wrote, guys. No idea.)
Anyone who has ever been Venmo burned
Nick Bancroft and being in the BP GM position
The Pressure Release Valve Honorarium
That one slab who takes the most shit yet always hangs tough; the pedicabber who gets dumped on a lot but is a good sport about it.
Al Sweet
Nick BancroftDendy
Andrea Coletti
The "Got Your Back" Award
That one generous-of-heart slab who works hard to teach, lend a hand, fix a problem or get people's back, regardless of reciprocation or thanks.
Andy Abu-Rjaily
Max Jackson
Mike van Buren
Matt bancroft
Christian Matyi "XN"
Eddie Scarcella
Ben Spencer, "Rabbi"
The "I Post On Your Grave" Tribute
The slab who has not rode for the past TWO seasons or longer who we wish would just come back because things are less lame when they are around.
Vinny Monaco; chickens and Tinder forever
Sam Nevin; so sick
Brendan Reza; just one more chance to touch your hair!
Steve Beck; always and forever
Dean Agen; the best teen heartthrobs are always from the past
Nick Viau; our ultimate weekend dad
Randal Edmonson; ride us to the edge and back, old buddy
Phil DuBois; heavy metal truly is our law
Stacey Sullivan; instant shift sunshine, every time
Trike Pantheon : Living Demigod Honorarium
The pedicab veteran STILL CURRENTLY RIDING who qualifies as a certified legend. An indelible part of pedicab culture in Boston.
Chance Wells
Mike Coughlin
Patrick Deavan
Matt Bancroft
Joel Schenck
Brandon Bowser
Jenn Brundage
John Dendy
Trike Pantheon : Great Post In The Sky Honorarium
The pedicab veteran who, while NO LONGER RIDING IN BOSTON, nonethless qualifies as a certified legend. An indelible part of pedicab lore in Boston.
Steve Beck
Chris Longenecker
Dylan Ramsay
Rob McFadyen
Carlton Eide
Mike Marshall
Slab Hero 2017
The one person who, overall, we're just super grateful rides with us in Boston. One person who made Pedicab what it is in 2016.
Luke Whalen
Jenn Brundage
Chance Wells
Nick Bancroft
Mike Coughlin
Brendan Bowser
John Dendy